
Holy Week traditional chant from Dalmatia

Zagreb, 2009 & 2014

  • Serie
    Extras BBHM
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This video combines two traditional chants from Dalmatia sung during the Holy Week. The first one, entitled Evo drvo križa, is performed by the Pharos Cantors and was recorded in the Basilica of the Heart of Jesus in Zagreb on 28th March 2009. The second one, entitled Klanjamo se teb’Isukrste, is performed by the Ansambl Lado (dir. Joško Ćaleta), in the St Marko Church in Zagreb on 7th May 2014. These recordings are related to the chapter by Katarina Livljanić: “Medieval Stories and Rituals on Today’s Stage. Between Art, Scholarship, Obedience,
Fashion and Horror Vacui“, in: Tanz und Musik. Perspektiven für die Historische Musikpraxis, 2023, 341–354 (BBHM 42).


Dalmatia, Glagolitic chant, Holy Week




Holy Week traditional chant from Dalmatia

1. Recording: Pharos Cantors, Zagreb, Basilica of the Heart of Jesus, 28.3.2009

2. Recording: Ansambl Lado (dir. Joško Ćaleta), Zagreb, St Marko, 7.5.2014

This video was made available to us with the kind permission of Katarina Livljanić.

Reference to the publication
This video is related to thie article by Katarina Livljanić: “Medieval Stories and Rituals on Today’s Stage. Between Art, Scholarship, Obedience,
Fashion and Horror Vacui“
, in: Tanz und Musik. Perspektiven für die Historische Musikpraxis, 2023, 341–354 (BBHM 42).

This article is a study from the performer’s point of view on transforming a historical narrative or ritual object into a performance on today’s stage. Two case studies are given: Holy Week processions from a confraternity on the Croatian island Hvar transposed into a performance, and the medieval legend of the saints Barlaam and Josaphat in a staged performance by the ensemble Dialogos.