Veröffentlicht: 16.03.2021 Autor/in:
Video recording and related materials to “Alma che ti sollievi”, canzonetta for voice and basso continuo by Orazio Michi.
basso continuo; arpa doppia; arpa a tre ordini; Orazio Michi; 1600; music in Rome
Realising the basso continuo on the Italian “arpa a tre ordini”
"Basso Continuo on the Harp for “Alma che ti sollievi” (Orazio Michi)".
Forschungsportal Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, 2021.
(Abgerufen am TT MM JJJJ)
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Orazio Michi (c. 1595–1641): “Alma che ti sollievi”
Mara Galassi, arpa a tre ordini & realisation of the basso continuo
María Cristina Kiehr, soprano
Arpa a tre ordini, copy of the Arpa Barberini, Girolamo Acciari, Rome 1632 by Dario Pontiggia, 2009, Milano (Italy)
Recorded on 4 February 2018
at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Basel (Switzerland), Kleiner Saal
Sound engineer: Oren Kirschenbaum
Video production & editing: Elam Rotem
Project manager & concept: Martina Papiro
Special thanks to: Masako Art, Thomas Drescher, Martin Kirnbauer, Birgit Knab, Isabell Seider
© Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
Citta del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barb. lat. 4151, cc. 30v–31r
This manuscript was compiled by several hands, probably between 1629–1638 ca. The first ten vocal pieces in the manuscript are by Orazio Michi and have been identified as autographs, but the subsequent n. 11, which is “Alma che ti sollievi”, is only attributed to Michi’s hand, cf. Lindgren & Murata 2018: 156, 158, 162; formerly, Margaret Murata had suggested that n. 11 was copied by the young singer Marc’Antonio Pasqualini, cf. Murata 2005, 336.
View the manuscript:
Roma, Biblioteca Nazionale, Mss. musicali 56, cc. 23v–24v
View the entire MSS mus. 56:
Alma che ti sollievi |
You, my soul, who find relief |
Ah, che son tuoi desir’ |
Ah, how foolish and deceptive |
Ah, che son tuoi desir’ |
Ah, how foolish and deceptive |
(Translation: Martina Papiro) |
Galassi & Granata 2020. Mara Galassi & Chiara Granata, “ ‘Tanto che non si potrebbe sentir cosa più bella’. The Harp as Basso Continuo Instrument in Rome at the Time of Orazio Michi”, in: Martina Papiro (ed.): Groß Geigen um 1500 • Orazio Michi und die Harfe um 1600, Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2020 (Basler Beiträge zur Historischen Musikpraxis 39), 313–344.
Lindgren & Murata 2018. Lowell Lindgren and Margaret Murata (eds.), The Barberini Manuscripts of Music, Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana 2018 (Studi e testi 527).
Murata 2005. Margaret Murata, “More Observations on Italian Florid Song in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”, in: Sabine Ehrmann-Herfort and Markus Engelhardt (eds.), Vanitatis fuga, aeternitatis amor. Wolfgang Witzenmann zum 65. Geburtstag (Analecta Musicologica 36), Laaber: Laber 2005, 329–354.
Papiro 2020. Martina Papiro (ed.): Groß Geigen um 1500 • Orazio Michi und die Harfe um 1600, Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2020 (Basler Beiträge zur Historischen Musikpraxis 39).
Ziane 2020. Alexandra Ziane, “Orazio Michi: Contemporary Testimonials, Documents, and Work”, in: Martina Papiro (ed.): Groß Geigen um 1500 • Orazio Michi und die Harfe um 1600, Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2020 (Basler Beiträge zur Historischen Musikpraxis 39), 243–272.